Thursday, October 25, 2007

Flying without wings....

Ok so today i asked mum to come and video me riding so that i could get some still pictures. shes not the nest at taking them at the right time with a digital camera so this was best option and then to play them back on the TV and take pictures of the tv.
well i got out to see my boy and he was quite pleased to see me. i think he was a little bit sorry about standing on my foot yesterday. I go him all tacked up and he was good.
I have decided to use a martingale in jumping as we have bonked heads a few time from him throwing his head up. Anyway i went out to the paddock at put the jumps back together as the cows had demolished them.
I put the jumps up to 1.10m as this is the maximum height that is in the show jumping champs senior ring.
well anyway Gizmo was soo good. he was listening to everything i asked him to do or not to do and he enjoyed it i think.
Theres a song sung by Westlife that i like called "flying without wings" and thats what jumping Gizmo feels like. whoever said that we cant fly was rong, they obviously havnt ridden a horse before.
Anyway heres some pix for ya, sorry about the quality.

This is one of my favourite pictures because im looking up, hes clearing it by heaps, im releasing enough, and im leaning foward enough. The only thing i dont like about it is that my leg has slipped back a little and my heels arent down enough.

And here is another one of us jumping.

This one is the other jump. My position isnt too great over this one but thats ok.

1 comment:

Katie said...

hes looking awesome shell. go you guys!